Reduction of Overshoot in a Scissor Lift Using State Observer, LQR, and LQG

Reduction of Overshoot in a Scissor Lift Using State Observer, LQR, and LQG


  • Daniel Soto Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena


Elevador de Tijeras, Simscape, PID, Motor DC, Observador de Estado, LQR, LQG


Scissor lifts are crucial in various industries, known for their robust design and ability to lift heavy loads to significant heights. Their interlinked scissor mechanism allows controlled elevation and descent of the work platform. Precision and safety in their operation are essential to prevent accidents and ensure efficiency. A critical issue is the "overshoot," where the lift exceeds the desired height before stabilizing, causing instability and safety risks. This phenomenon is related to the system's dynamics and control, which typically employ hydraulic or electric systems to regulate the extension and retraction of the scissors. Precision in these systems is vital to stop the platform at the correct height smoothly and accurately.

This paper presents a solution based on MATLAB/Simulink to improve the overshoot in scissor lifts using advanced control techniques. Different control strategies are implemented and evaluated, including the use of a State Observer, LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator), and LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian Controller). The State Observer is used to estimate the system's internal variables, allowing for more precise feedback. The LQR is employed to design a controller that minimizes a cost function, optimizing the balance between control effort and state error. Finally, the LQG incorporates a Kalman filter to handle system uncertainty and noise, providing robust and efficient control. This demonstrates a significant improvement in the precision and stability of the scissor lift, reducing overshoot and enhancing operational safety. This research contributes to the development of more advanced and safer control systems for industrial applications, optimizing the performance and reliability of scissor lifts.


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How to Cite

Reduction of Overshoot in a Scissor Lift Using State Observer, LQR, and LQG. (2024). EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development of Latin America, 1(06), 1-21.

How to Cite

Reduction of Overshoot in a Scissor Lift Using State Observer, LQR, and LQG. (2024). EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development of Latin America, 1(06), 1-21.