Peer review process

Only original manuscripts that are not under evaluation by another journal will be accepted.

When a text is sent to EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina, the editor and/or editorial board will decide if the text can begin the evaluation process based on the relevance of the topic, thoroughness and correct writing. If these criteria are not met, the journal will communicate the decision to the authors. This decision will be communicated within two weeks from the date of submission.

Articles that have been positively pre-reviewed will begin the process of blind peer review: the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and vice versa. Research articles are reviewed by at least two reviewers. Research notes, bibliographic reviews and comments on articles published in our journal will be reviewed by at least one reviewer. In the event that the opinions of the reviewers have conflicting assessments, the editorial board may call upon a third reviewer to help settle the controversy.

At the end of the blind peer review, the editor and the editorial board decide whether or not to publish the manuscript. The decision will be communicated via e-mail. The evaluation that a paper may receive is:

Not publishable
Make major changes and send for re-evaluation:
Comments from external reviewers will be forwarded for incorporation into the text. The new version of the manuscript will be submitted for a second round of review by the same reviewers of the previously submitted manuscript. This version should be accompanied by a letter indicating the changes made. If the author considers that some of the changes are not justified, he/she may refrain from making them, explaining his/her arguments in the letter.

Publishable, with minor modifications:
Comments from external reviewers will be forwarded for incorporation. The new version of the manuscript may be sent to the reviewers if they have requested it in their opinion. This version should be accompanied by a letter indicating the changes made and responding to the reviewers' comments if necessary.

Publishable, without modifications:
The author will be informed that his/her manuscript will begin the editing process. The author must expressly authorize the journal to publish the accepted manuscript.

EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development in Latin America endeavors that reviewers send their opinions in no more than 20 days. Therefore, no more than 40 days should elapse from the submission of a manuscript for a final decision and 60 days for publication.


For any additional guidance, EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development in Latin America is specifically guided by the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) for the peer review process. This is true for ethical review guidelines, possible manipulations of the peer review process, and considerations to take into account when being appointed as a reviewer. 
You can access the complete document from the following link: 

Ethical guidelines for peer (COPE)



