Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics


Intellectual Property

Complaints, appeals and corrections

Conflict of interest

Data, Reproducibility and PrePrints

Ethical Oversight

Code of Ethics

In order to ensure a harmonious relationship between the parties involved and guarantee the quality of the contents, EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development of Latin America urges authors, reviewers, as well as the members of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee, to maintain standards of intellectual and scientific integrity. 

Obligations of the Editor:

Consult the Editorial Committee to resolve problems related to the journal's editorial policy.
To give an official certificate to the reviewers for each opinion issued.
To take care of the validity of the journal's legal records.
Ensure that the publication process complies with copyright regulations.
Manage the material and human resources before the corresponding institutions for the proper functioning of the journal.

Duties of the Editorial Committee:

To select and assign the reviewers of the papers received by the journal, based on their experience as researchers of the corresponding subject matter.
Communicate to the authors the results of the evaluation process to which the work received by the journal has been submitted.
To keep the identity of the reviewers confidential.
Reject those collaboration proposals that are published in other printed or electronic journals, as well as those that constitute total or partial plagiarism.
Carry out a basic review of the papers received before sending them for external review and notify the authors of this decision.
Resolve conflicts that may arise in the evaluation and editing process, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).
Propose initiatives that lead to an improvement of the journal in its different aspects: quality, visibility, presentation.
To assist in the editing process.

Obligations of reviewers:

Declare and explain, if any, a conflict of interest to make their opinion.
To treat under terms of confidentiality the text whose review has been assigned to them.
Maintain secrecy of their participation as reviewer even after the work has been published.
Not to transfer their role as reviewer to other researchers.
Issue their verdict according to the merits and/or weaknesses of the assigned text, based on the opinion form available to them.
Send the results of their evaluation within the period established by the journal.
Not to quote or copy the text entrusted to them.
For more information on the process, please refer to Peer Review Process.

Authors' obligations:

Send unpublished collaborative proposals, which are not in other editorial processes.
Follow the Guidelines for publication stipulated by EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development in Latin America.
Correct, expand or improve their texts, once they have been accepted for publication, taking into account the reviewers' comments.
Send corrections of their texts within the period requested by the journal.

Authorship, contribution and intellectual property

In EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development in Latin America we took four criteria on authorship, in order to reduce the ambiguity surrounding the definition of the role of author and contributor. These are presented below:

1. That there is a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the article or to the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data;
2. Participation in the design of the research work or in the critical review of its intellectual content;
3. That the author has been involved in the approval of the final version to be published;
4. That you are accountable for all aspects of the article in order to ensure that questions related to the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are adequately investigated and resolved.

In addition to being partially responsible for the work, an author should be able to identify that his/her co-authors are also responsible. Authors should have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.

Contributors who are not authors

Contributors who do not meet the above four criteria to be recognized as authors should not be listed as authors, but should be acknowledged in the acknowledgements.

COPE Guidelines on Authorship

Intellectual Property

Authors must respect the intellectual property of the material used in their research and communication. They should follow the basic reference guidelines adopted by the journal in its Editorial Guidelines to indicate to the reader the origin of the material used, whether it is textual quotations, graphics, images, codes or any other relevant element to reference the property of the author.

Complaints, appeals and corrections

Any complaints, appeals, allegations of misconduct or discussions and corrections before, during or after publication should be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address:

COPE Retraction Guidance

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest occurs when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that may influence any of the stages related to the publication process: from the biased writing of an article to the acceptance of a submission based on their own interests.

According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), these interests may be personal, commercial, political, academic or economic. EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina urges authors to disclose conflicts of interest that arise in the writing and/or submission of a publication proposal. 
Likewise, reviewers are obliged to declare any conflict of interest that may influence the task they are asked to perform (See more in Peer Review Process). For its part, the Editorial Committee of EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina is committed to making decisions that favor the absence of conflicts of interest in all phases of the editorial process.

Data, Reproducibility and PrePrints

Data management is fundamental in research and communication practices in the contemporary world. EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development of Latin America urges ethical and clear practices for the collection of data that constitute the corpus of research. Likewise, consent and adequate information is a requirement when collecting data on human behavior.
Finally, it is urged that research should clearly detail the dataset used, the consent and collection model implemented, and, to the extent possible, provide technical guidelines on where the detaset is housed and the possibilities or guidelines for its reproduction in other research.


The Preprint is the version of a scientific article or manuscript that is published before peer review. It is a document that has not been officially accepted by scientific journals, and is deposited in a preprint server. 
In EcoSur: Innovation, Technology and Sustainable Development of Latin America we subscribe and declare that we are a journal of Open Access to Knowledge, so it is recommended that authors make the deposit of the preprint, prior to submission in the journal, and should report this action.
We share some of the preprint servers that can be used: arXiv; BioRxiv; SciELO Preprints; LatArXiv.

Ethical Oversight

When describing experiments on human subjects, the authors should indicate whether the procedures performed followed the ethical standards of an institutional or regional committee on human experimentation, and in accordance with the World Medical Association and the Declaration of Helsinki. The authors should also send the model of informed consent used for the study as an appendix. 

