Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023): EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina.

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In the October edition, Vol. 1 No. 03 (2023) of "EcoSur: Innovation, Technology, and Sustainable Development of Latin America," we are pleased to present a selection of articles that explore the intersection between advanced technology and sustainable strategies in various critical sectors in Latin America. Each contribution in this edition reflects a deep commitment to promoting knowledge and the practical application of innovative solutions to contemporary challenges.

In the first article, we address the implementation of unsupervised Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to analyze patterns of violence against women in Ecuador. This pioneering study highlights how ANNs can be powerful tools for uncovering hidden trends and providing valuable insights for prevention strategies and public policy in the social sphere.

Next, we explore the comparative use of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control and ANNs in the automation of DC motors. This technical article details the advantages and limitations of each approach, providing essential guidance for engineers and designers in the field of electronics and automation.

The third article dives into the application of ANNs in the wire drawing process in electrical cable manufacturing, highlighting how these artificial intelligence tools can improve the quality of the final product and reduce production costs. This approach not only promises operational efficiencies but also paves the way for more sustainable practices in the manufacturing industry.

Finally, the last article presents the design of a climbing robot in the context of educational competitions, emphasizing electronic, mechanical design, and mathematical modeling. This work illustrates the importance of robotics as a pedagogical tool and its potential to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists.

Each of these studies contributes significantly to our understanding of how advanced technology can be effectively and sustainably applied to address specific challenges in Latin America. We hope that the insights and discoveries shared in this edition of "EcoSur" inspire continuous innovation and commitment to sustainable development in the region.

Published: 2023-10-31

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