Vol. 1 No. 04 (2023): EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina.

					View Vol. 1 No. 04 (2023):  EcoSur: Innovación, Tecnología y Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina.

In the fourth edition of our journal, we present a collection of studies that illustrate the cutting edge of technology and its application across diverse fields. We cover topics ranging from the optimization of industrial processes to the frontier of the interaction between artificial intelligence and human creativity.

We highlight the implementation of Artificial Neural Networks with backpropagation algorithms in improving the preparation of pulp for A4 sheets, emphasizing the technical challenges and strategies for operational optimization.

We examine automation techniques in cereal production, focusing on the integration of safety and operational efficiency systems, from raw material selection to final packaging.

We analyze the development and implementation of a line-following robot, discussing its components, design, and control algorithms that allow for precise and adaptable navigation, reflecting advances in robotics and their potential for future applications.

We delve into the use of Recurrent Neural Networks based on LSTM for the creation of symphonic melodies, exploring the model structure, training process, and music generation, illustrating the crossover between technology and art.

This edition focuses on highlighting not only current technological developments but also projecting how these advances could reshape the future across a variety of sectors. We invite our readers to explore these detailed and technical studies that serve as a reflection of rapid technological advancement and its limitless potential. Welcome to edition number 4, a compendium of innovation and possibility.

Published: 2023-12-28

  • Sinfonías del futuro: creando melodías con tecnología inteligencia artificial.

    Bryan Alarcon Bazurto, Andres Joseph Pinargote Quintero , Laura Lorena Vasconez Alava, Bryan Bolívar Sánchez Cabrera (Author)
    1 - 11
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61582/kypwy525
  • Simulación y control: el secreto detrás de los robots seguidores de línea destreza

    Carlos Damián Asencio Suarez (Author)
    12 - 30
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61582/atg1fp50

  • Aplicación de redes neuronales en el subproceso de preparación de la pulpa de hojas A4

    Bryan Alarcon Bazurto, C. Saldana Enderica (Author)
    31 - 44
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61582/xfhfzp07

  • Proceso de automatización industrial para la elaboración de cereal

    Douglas Darío Yagual Beltrán (Author)
    45 - 60
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61582/nd5n0544